Can anyone be hypnotized?

Many people hear “hypnosis” and immediately think of the scene from Star Wars with Obi Wan Kenobi’s famous line, “These are not the droids you are looking for.” The Jedi mind tricks in Star Wars only work on the weak minded. This is far from what real hypnosis is like, since it requires a good imagination and takes a good deal of concentration. Most psychologists...
Read MoreWhat is hypnosis?

So what exactly is hypnosis? The fact is, we still don’t know. Scientists and psychologists still cannot explain exactly what happens when someone is hypnotized. However, we do know that it is a real phenomenon and can describe some of its effects. As someone who practices hypnosis, I can testify to its authenticity and have my own model to explain how it works. Two Explanations: State and...
Read MoreBody language – How trustworthy is it?

How trustworthy is body language? The neocortex is the part of our brain that is responsible for rational thought, and the limbic system is responsible for emotions. The limbic system reacts to the world instantaneously, without us consciously thinking about how we react. Since these reactions happen without conscious thought, the limbic system is often considered the most “honest”...
Read MoreFind your friends

Can you instantly identify the people who like you? A “tell” is non-verbal communication that gives information about what people may be thinking or feeling. Since we are often not aware of them, “tells” are often more honest than what people may actually say. The moment someone sees you walk into the room, they may give a tell. If someone raises their eyebrows when they...
Read MoreFinding your place in life

Besides performing, I use my skills to help others with personal development: one on one coaching, public speaking, character development. I worked with collage students for 3 years. Many of them struggled to find something that really inspired them. This video does a good job of presenting the question: what is your place in life?
Read MoreWhen a smile is not a smile

The holidays are usually a happy time, but sometimes a smile is not really a smile. You may be with family, doing business, or meeting people socially. Knowing the difference between real and fake happiness can be important. There are a few simple signs to tell the difference between a real and fake smile. Lips move up: On a fake smile the lips tend to move out, while a real smile will turn...
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