
Making the DMV easier to deal with

Making the DMV easier to deal with

A lot of my performance on stage relies on misdirection–making you focus on the unimportant things. To do this, I need to have your attention before I can misdirect it, so I spend a good deal of time studying the psychology of distraction and attention. The other day I came across an interesting article by David Maister, Ph.D., on waiting in lines. I thought it would be good info to know...

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Risks, creativity, and Einstein

Risks, creativity, and Einstein

Most of what I do on stage looks like mind reading. In order to predict how you will react, I need to know if you are an outside the box thinker or not. From the moment you walk on stage with me, I have to know if you are the “creative” type. To figure out what you are thinking, I need to identify what kind of process your brain usually follows. But how do you figure out if someone is more...

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Change blindness at its best

Change blindness at its best

You will never get this one! A magic trick that uses change blindness.

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Another awareness test

Another awareness test

If you thought the awareness test with basketball was easy, check this one out.

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Awareness test

Awareness test

Find out if you or your friends are affected by change blindness.

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